NISEC is the single largest defence and security continental annual trade fair with a truly global audience presenting high level educational topics and tech awareness to improve the security manager’s skills. Exhibitors are sure to exceed their expectations while delegates shall gain intellectual knowledge to enagnce career opportunities for higher leadership roles.
Terror & Counter-Terrorism Conference & Expo 2018 shall attract delegates from over twenty (20) African nations and international community of experts and professionals to strategise on ways and technologies available in the market place to defeat non state actors who are daily becoming more and more scientific in their attacks against the state. The focus is mainly on asymmetric threats and unconventional approach towards defeating terrorists and organised crime wherever they might be located.
The expo offers agencies, institutions and private security practitioners the opportunity to come hear directly from experts on new strategies and tactics how organisations and institutions globally have managed to battle, even defeating some of the world’s most dreaded terrorist sects. Be there, seats and exhibits stalls are limited.
Tue, Oct 23, 2018, 8:00 AM
Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 6:00 PM
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory
First Security Guards Limited