For several years, the Naraguta Leather Works in Naraguta village, near Jos, Plateau State has gained recognition as one of the leading tanning companies in the country.
The success of this leather works factory which has put the name of the village on the map of the country as a famous tourist site, started with one man's vision.
The Naraguta Leather Works would show you the secrets of how the hides and skin of animals are transformed into leatherwork. This is where some of the man made leather products are made.
There is hardly any type of leather work that you would not be able to see here. You can buy some of these products at an affordable rate.

If you desire to know the secrets into how animal skin and hides are cured into usable leather for leatherworks, then you must visit the Naraguta Leather Works in Jos.
Most leatherworks found in arts and crafts shops and in hotels around country are produced at this place, and it is a place to witness how leatherworks likes shoes, slippers, souvenirs, carpets, cushions, and other colourful leather products are made.
You will see the craftsmen at work and witness first-hand the production of leather items through traditional means at one of the best leather crafts centres in Nigeria.